80,103,047 Projected Votes


Yes, I voted for Donald Trump!

Welcome to Owen Fonorow's official YesIVotedForTrump©. Trump re-votes will help document the true magnitude of the Trump victory in 2020.

Re-voters may provide as little or as much information with their vote as they choose. Only one re-vote will be accepted. Safeguards are in place to protect private information. Other than the vote totals, the re-voting data will not be made publicly available. Totals will be broken down by state and zipcode. The data collected will be shared with the Trump legal team, law enforcement, and voter fraud researchers.

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I certify that I voted for Donald Trump for President on November 3, 2020*





Birth date*:

I'm a US citizen*

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Notice to other candidates in the 2020 election worried about their vote totals. You too can have a revote page added to this domain. Have your campaign contact us via parler (#YesIVotedForTrump) for more information.
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Copyright© 2020-2025 by Owen R. Fonorow, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.